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Green Turtle Dive Instruction
Nurse Shark Diving West Palm
Scuba Dive Living Reef
Green Moray Scuba Dive
Breakers Angel Fish Scuba Instruction

As the boat comes out the inlet we have three basic directions, north, south or central just offshore of the inlet.  When we head north, we are diving in depths from 70-100 ft most of the time.  The dive sites centrally located near the inlet run from 60-100 ft deep and include both wreck and reef sites.  They are also close to the inlet which makes running times shorter.  We use these sites when the seas are rough, so we can go back into the intercoastal between dives for our gear change over and our snacks! Let's those tummies that might be feeling a little seas sick have a break before we head back out for our second dive!  When the boat takes a turn to the south, we are heading to our shallower reef sites running from 48-60 ft. These are some of our most popular dive sites.  Breakers Reef is basically broken down into several sections, this is where we do our open water training dives, but these sites are popular with all levels of divers because of the vast array of marine life!  

North of the Inlet Sites:

Juno Ledge


This is like a "mini - wall" our largest ledge in height in our area.  Home of sharks, goliath groupers, turtles, and huge green moray eels.  This is basically our most northerly site we dive.  It's about a 40-minute ride from the dock, but well worth the wait.

Shark Canyon:


Named after the resident reef sharks who are always home this is a beautiful reef.  Get greeted by a large school of Spade fish, a huge Goliath Grouper "Shadow" that thinks he's a lap dog! This site is never a letdown, and if you want to get our picture with a 400-500 lb grouper, Shadow is happy to pose pretty for is picture!

Jolly Jacks


Jolly Jims Reef

Mikes Reef



Spanish Anchor


Very nice mid level ledge with plenty of marine life, it's a shorter section so we don't do this site as often when the current is real strong, it's also the only site Capt Sandy reports seeing a Sand Bar shark, and there were two.  This spot makes for some good lobster hunting and spearfishing also.

This reef is more of a patch reef area with some intermittent ledges.  Can be good for lobsters and hog fish, but always pretty!

One of our favorite dive sites! Runs on one of our deeper ledges, but still provides us with excellent marine life and some good hunting opportunities, groupers are good here early season. 

This is a beautiful section of reef, but it's a little deeper, and you can get off the edge and into deeper water so important to keep a eye on your computers!  Home to some huge Goliath groupers and bull sharks, we've done very well hunting the surrounding area, but we limited that to more experienced divers. 

Central to the inlet sites:

Yellow Tail/
Larsens Valley


Mid Reef


Nunns Ledge

Palm Beach


90 ft

Depending on how strong the current is will determine exactly where our captain puts you in.  On days when the current is strong, we put you on Yellowtail, and you'll see Larsen's Valley too!  Two for one drop! This area has a high population of Nurse sharks, and it is common to see them resting underneath one of the many ledges and blow outs.  Turtles and Goliath Groupers also frequent these resting spots.  Ask about "Buddy".... Sandy's pet grouper! 

Rolling hills almost like a mountain meadow, plenty of marine life and hosts some of the largest Angel fish we've seen.  Just north of the inlet a couple hundred feet, this site is great for days when it's rough out...just 10 minutes from the mouth of the inlet and you're in the water!

This site is unique because it has a large sloping hill instead of a vertical wall ledge.  Home to plenty of marine life and close to the inlet makes this a nice site anytime, but a good go to site when the seas are rougher.

This is a wreck site near the inlet and its home to some great marine life, it sits on a top of a smaller reef...we don't dive here when the current is strong, but it is a site we've seen Sawfish on multiple times over the years, so you never know what you'll see

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