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Jaw Fish Scuba Diving West Palm
Green Moray Scuba Charters
Hawks Bill Turtle West Palm Diving
Wreck dives west palm beach
Loggerhead Turtle WPB Scuba

We offer a full line of certification courses for ages 10 years old and up!  What we offer is a comprehensive training course that is flexible to fit your schedule.   You will get real world training and your dives will be off our custom dive boat and not just off the beach like some classes in our area.  You'll train with one of our experienced instructors,  have the  amazing marine life on our living reef as your classmates.  When you complete your class with us, you will be comfortable diving and ready to start your adventures.   We have divers with us on a regular basis that learn to dive off our boat years ago! If you take more than one course from us, you receive discounts on all future training.  Open water students are required to have mask, fins and snorkel, but regulator, bcd, computer and weights are provided.   Snacks and drinks will also be provided.  


Already certified?  We offer several continuing education courses, including many specialties.  Check out the list below and feel free to contact our instructor if you have any questions. 

Discover Scuba Diving

This is our one-day non-certification course that allows you to experience a real "scuba diving" experience!  Join our instructor in the pool to get a chance to get some practice with your gear then you will head out on the boat to do a couple of nice dives on a living reef!  

Refresher Course

Certified diver but haven't been diving in awhile?  We can offer you a variety of refresher options.  You decide what type of refresher you want or feel you need.  Join our instructor for a pool session and a academic review, or just a onboard gear refresher.  Both options include your own private guide for a two tank dive trip!  Also includes needed rental gear and tanks!  Enjoy a stress free day instead of worrying about what you may have forgotten! 

Banded Coral Shrimp WPB Scuba
Open Water Certification

This is the key to your new life's adventure!!   Come and take your open water certification with one of our instructors!  We have years of experience teaching scuba classes for divers of all ages...and that experience and her easy-going nature makes us one of the best places for diving instruction in our area!  Dive instructors are really a "dime a dozen" like they would say, here in Florida.  Not all instructors can TEACH, and very few have the experience, training, and knowledge of the ocean that is simply second nature for our experienced team.   


This course will give you a life-long certification and you can complete it in as little as three days if you're on a tight schedule.

There is a home study portion that you will complete prior to meeting with our instructor.  Then you will complete a pool session training to practice new skills and get familiar with your gear.    Once you have mastered those and feel confident you head out to the boat for two-half days of diving!   All our students dive off our boat on a living reef....not just walking off the beach in the intercoastal.  Real diving on a real reef!  

Breakers Reef Scuba WPB
Advanced Open Water

The advanced program is a lot of fun, and you get to do several different types of dives.  You'll complete a deep dive, something over 70 ft.  Your second dive will be underwater navigation and you'll practice with a compass.  The remaining three dives are your choice from many different options.  Wreck dive, underwater photography, drift and boat are just a few of our more popular choices.  Once you complete your advanced you will be able to dive on any recreational site, and no longer have to worry about being told you "Can't" do a particular dive.  This happens often in the Keys when divers are wanting to dive one of the many wreck sites there.  

Rescue Diver

Once you have completed the advanced course you are ready for rescue!  This course is one of the best courses you can complete.  Not only do you learn how to assist your buddy, but a great deal about self-rescue and the steps to prevent a dive accident from happening in the first place.  Our rescue course is taught by a former United States Coast Guard member, and we take safety very seriously on our boat every day.  Accidents can happen in a split second....don't you want to be prepared if your dive buddy, a friend, a loved one might need you?  You owe it to yourself and your buddy to be well prepared and trained at all times!  This course is also very fun we will run scenarios both on the boat and from the beach.  this course is a two-day program and will include dives off the boat and some rescue practice in shallow water off the beach.  

Dive Master

Becoming a dive master is the first step towards professional certification levels.  You will spend a great amount of time on our boat working with real students, supervising real "certified divers" as they join us for some fun diving.  You'll learn the ins and outs of helping on the boat, from line handling, emergency procedures, and the everyday dealings of a dive master.  You'll work with open water students in a pool, supervise them on open water dives.  When you are done with our program you will have completed at least 20 dives off the boat, unlike most other dive master programs, we believe on true hands-on training, not free labor!  When you finish our dive master program, you'll be ready to work as a dive master or move on to instructor.


This program also includes a lot of studying and book work and in order to be successful you must be committed to work hard not only in our practical hands-on training, but on your academics.  This is extremely important if you're wanting to go further to instructor, so you are well prepared for your IDC tests!   



We offer a long list of specialty courses!  The price varies depending on the number of dives required to complete the class.  All of our specialty courses include book, certification fee, any rental  gear needed, boat trips.  One of our most popular specialty courses is the Enriched Air Diver.  We highly recommend everyone to get this certification. Diving on enriched air increases your allowed bottom time considerably!  You'll fee less fatigue and less likely to have a headache.  Please feel free to contact us about your interest in our specialties and the individual prices.  You can also keep a eye on our Facebook page for our monthly class specail.  


Specialties offered:

 Enriched Air Diver

 Deep Diver

 Wreck Diver

 U/W Photographer
U/W Naturalist 
Peak Buoyancy
Search and Recovery


Enriched Air Certification
Padi Enriched Air Course

This is our most popular specialty course and approximately 95 % of all our divers are using enriched air now exclusively.    Enriched air simply means the percentage of oxygen in the mix has been increased.   By doing so, the diver is able to utilize longer allowable dive times!!  More time underwater....that's what we all want!!    Enriched air also helps prevent those after dive "headaches" and most all will say they are less fatigued after diving when they have been using the enriched air.   Again....more time underwater!!!  


Contact us and let us set up your elearning course for you or order your book for you and then once you have completed's simple...just come join us for a two-tank dive trip and finish your class in one day, right on the boat!! 

Lionfish Diving Sandy Sunday
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